Gamebiz 3

Game Type : Tycoon
Business manager
Release date : October 2010
Price : € 14.99
GameBiz 3 is the newest game in the
Gamebiz series which started back in 2004.
Gamebiz 3 is about the
Software and hardware gaming industry.
In Gb3 you can develop new consoles, computers, games, publish games
and much more.
Try to conquer the charts and create a number one selling titles .
Create Consoles and computers and compete with the likes of
Atari, Microsoft, Sony and other great game and platform companies
in one of the most competitive business in the world
Gamebiz 2
Type : Tycoon Business manager
Price : Freeware
Gamebiz 2 is about the video game industry. You can develop
new games for 37 different platforms, like PC, NES, PS2, XBOX, C64,
Amiga and many more. You can also develop new Consoles/ platform.
Try to beat competition like Commodore, Nintendo, Microsoft and all
the other big companies.
: Megacorp
Type : Tycoon Business manager
Release date : August 2008
Price : € 9.99
Manage A car company starting in 1920 or as late as 1960. Design new
cars in 2D/3D. Buy out competition on the stock market. Set up a
sportscar/F1 team. Ensure fleet orders from governments (police etc)
around the world.. and much more...
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